Jpop Recommend #489 Hanataba by Mika Nakashima/Koji Tamaki


Curated From

花束 Hanataba

Released in October 2015, this song was produced by Koji Tamaki for Mika Nakashima.  This is her 40th single and it was used as a theme song for a TV drama, “
オトナ女子, Otona Jyoshi” and it was also used in another TV drama, “表参道高校合唱部!, Omotesando Koukou Gassho-bu” in which she also played a role.

Mika Nakashima’s delicate voice and Koji Tamaki’s passionate and strong voice add different charm to this song.  So I recommend you to listen both version and find out which one you like better. 

Koji Tamaki version

If you like Mika Nakashima, please try her other songs like:

#72 桜色舞うころ Sakura-iro mau koro by 中島 美嘉 Mika Nakashima
Another standard “Sakura” song
Recommended when you couldn’t go to the ohanami picnic

#267 Will by 中島 美嘉 Mika Nakasima
Song for those who have high hopes in the coming year 2019
Recommended to listen when you look back the past and start anew 

#9  雪の華 Yuki no Hana by 中島 美嘉 Mika Nakashima
Love song that makes you remember your precious love
Recommended when you feel like your love is lost

If you like Koji Tamaki, please try his other songs like: 

#226 All I Do by 玉置 浩二 Koji Tamaki
Another beautiful and soothing song by Koji Tamaki
Recommended to listen when you need to calm down

#173 行かないで Ikanaide by 玉置 浩二 Koji Tamaki
Sad, sad farewell song
Recommended when you miss someone

#102 メロディ Melody by 玉置 浩二 Koji Tamaki
Beautiful and sad ballad
Recommended when you want to be healed by a slow nostalgic tune

#25 田園 Denen by 玉置浩二 Koji Tamaki
Up-tempo song that goes well with guitar
Recommended when you drive in the country side

#147 Natsu no owari no harmony by Yosui Inoue and Anzen chitai
Beautiful song to celebrate an ending summer
Recommend if you look back the memories of this summer

#389 悲しみにさよなら Kanashimi ni sayonara by 安全地帯 Anzenchitai
Beautiful song that will reach and heal many wounded hearts
Recommended to listen when you need a warm blanket

#379 あの頃へ Ano koro e by 安全地帯 Anzenchitai
Nostalgic ballad that will make your heart ache
Recommended to listen when you want to travel back to the past

#313 ワインレッドの心 Wine-red no kokoro by 安全地帯 Anzenchitai 
Adult love song that will melt your heart
Recommended to listen when you remember the lost love

Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated.  Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!




Japanese pronunciation

あふれる 涙       を    あたたかな  花束       に して
afureru namida wo atatakana hanataba ni shite

Turning overflowing tears into a heart-warming flower bouquet

朝    の  光     を  浴びて そっと  寄りそう のは   誰?

asa no hikari wo abite    sotto yorisou nowa dare?

Who is silently by my side in the morning glow?

昨日   の  哀しみ        達     の ささやき   が 聴こえて くる
kinou no kanashimi-tachi no sasayaki ga kikoete kuru

I hear whispers of yesterday’s sorrows

見ず知らず    の モノ    に  水    を  与えて  くれて

mizushirazu no mono ni mizu wo ataete kurete 

You gave me water even though you don’t know me at all

ありがとう! かえせる   もの   は  何     にも ない けれど
arigatou!     kaeseru mono wa nan-nimo nai keredo

Thank you so much! I have nothing I can give you in return

あなた と あなた の
anata to anata no 
You and all the

まわり   の   大切     な  モノ
mawari no taisetsu na mono 
precious things around you

全て    を   想い  ます
subete wo omoi masu 
I think of all 

あふれる  涙       を   あたたか な 花束        に して

afureru namida wo atataka na hanataba ni shite

Turning overflowing tears into a heart-warming flower bouquet

月     の  光     を  浴びて そっと 祈ってる のは  誰?
tsuki no hikari wo abite sotto inotteru nowa dare?
Who pray silently under the moon light?

明日 へ の 不安  達    の   誓い   が 聴こえて くる
asu  e no fuan-tachi no chikai ga kikoete kuru 
I hear the promises of tomorrow’s worries

通りすがり の  モノ   に   道     を  教えて   くれて
toorisugari no mono ni michi wo oshiete kurete
You taught me the path even though I’m just a passer-by

ありがとう! もう  迷わない     歩き  出して   みる
arigatou!   mou mayowanai arukidashite miru 

Thank you so much! I won’t get lost I will start walking

わたし    と わたし   の
watashi to watashi no 
I and all the 

まわり   の   苦しみ     や  痛み
wamari no kurushimi ya itami 
sufferings and pains around me

全て     を 笑って
subete wo waratte

If you laugh away everything

あふれる  涙       を  ゆるして   くれる  の  なら
afureru namida wo yurushite kureru no nara

and forgive me for overflowing tears

花束         に して
hanataba ni shite

I will make it into a flower bouquet

あなた と あなた の
anata to anata no 
You and all the

まわり   の   大切     な  モノ
mawari no taisetsu na mono 
precious things around you

全て    を   想い  ます
subete wo omoi masu 
I think of all 

あふれる  涙      を   あたたかな  花束        に  して
afureru namida wo atatakana hanataba ni shite 

Turning overflowing tears into a heart-warming flower bouquet

あふれる 想い  を   あたたかな  花束      に して

afureru omoi wo atatakana hanataba ni shite

Turning overflowing feelings into a heart-warming flower bouquet

Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated.  Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!

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