Getting Started with Dungeons and Dragons: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Characters and Playing the Classic Tabletop RPG

polyhedral dice on wooden surface
Photo by Stephen Hardy on
Image From Techraptor

In honor of the new cinematic representation of Dungeons and Dragons, we hear at will be exploring and learning about the vast world of the tabletop phenomenon.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a tabletop role-playing game (RPG) that has been around for over 40 years. In D&D, players create their own characters and embark on adventures in a fantasy world full of magic, monsters, and treasure. In this tutorial, we will go through the basics of how to play Dungeons and Dragons.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

To play D&D, you will need a few things:

  • The Player’s Handbook (PHB): This is the core rulebook that contains all the information you need to create a character, play the game, and run your own adventures.
  • A set of polyhedral dice: These are dice with different numbers of sides, used to determine the outcomes of actions in the game.
  • Character sheet: This is a sheet of paper that you use to keep track of your character’s abilities, equipment, and other important information.
  • Pencil and eraser: You will need a pencil to fill out your character sheet and make notes during the game.

Step 2: Create Your Character

In D&D, each player creates their own character that they will play throughout the game. Creating a character involves choosing a race (e.g. human, elf, dwarf), a class (e.g. fighter, wizard, rogue), and assigning ability scores (e.g. strength, dexterity, charisma). The PHB contains all the rules for character creation. This includes the different races and classes available, how to assign ability scores and choose skills and equipment.

Step 3: Learn the Rules

Once you have created your character, it’s time to learn the rules of the game. The PHB contains all the rules for playing D&D, including how combat works. Also how to use spells and magic, and how to interact with non-player characters (NPCs) in the game world.

Step 4: Find a Group to Play With

D&D is a game that is meant to be played with a group of people. You can either find a group of friends to play with, or look for local game stores or online forums to find other players. You will need a Dungeon Master (DM), who is the person responsible for running the game and controlling the NPCs.

Step 5: Start Playing!

Once you have gathered your group and learned the rules, it’s time to start playing! The DM will set up the game world, describe the setting and any NPCs the players encounter. Te DM will also help guide the players through the adventure. Players take turns describing their actions and rolling dice to determine the outcomes of those actions.

Step 6: Keep Playing and Improving

D&D is a game that can be played for years, with new adventures and challenges appearing on a regular basis. As you progress through the game, you will be able to improve your skills as a player or DM, try out new character classes and races, and explore new areas of the game world.

Finally, Dungeons and Dragons is an entertaining and immersive game that allows players to create their own characters and embark on exciting adventures in a fantasy world. Anyone can learn to play and enjoy this classic RPG with a little preparation and a group of enthusiastic players.
