Jpop Recommend #472 Koi kaze ni nosete by Vaundy


Curated From Check Them Out For More Content.

Released in March 2022, this song was his 14th single (online streaming).

He is going to perform in the coming “紅白歌合戦, Red and White Song Battle” for the first time on the year end.  We rarely see him on TV so I’m really looking forward to watch his performance.

If you like his song, please try his other songs like: 

Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated.  Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!



Japanese pronunciation

English translation

変わりゆく    景色

kawariyuku keshiki

Changing scenery

窓       越し  に 覗いた

mado-goshi ni nozoita 

I watched over the window

懐かしい       風   が 呼んで  きた

natsukashii kaze ga yonde kita 

Winds of the past was calling

どっか で 見えない 互い を 互い  に  合図   して

dokka de mienai tagai wo tagai ni aizu shite

Somehow we signaled each other while we couldn’t even see

そっと 二人   目 を  そらして  気付いた の

sotto futari me wo sorashite kizuita no 

The both of us looked the other way and realized

くだらない 愛 で

kudaranai ai de 

For the silly love

僕  たち      は  いつも   笑って  いる

boku-tachi wa itsumo waratte iru 

we are always laughing

思い出す   日々 が

omoidasu hibi ga 

Days we remember

僕たち      を   悲しませる        の

boku-tachi wo kanashimaseru no 

make us sad




くだらない 愛 で

kudaranai ai de 

For the silly love

僕たち         は いつも  笑って   いた

boku-tachi wa itsumo waratte ita

we were always laughing

繰り返す   日々 が

kurikaesu hibi ga 

Days that come and go

僕たち      を    振り向かせる   の

bokutachi wo furi-mukaseru no 

make us look back

ねぇ そっと 二人

nee sotto futari 

Hey the two of us in silence

魔法      を  唱える  の

mahou wo tonaeru no 

cast a magic spell

恋   風邪 に  のせて

koi kaze ni nosete

love floating with a flu

混ざり    ゆく  景色

mazari-yuku keshiki

Mixing scenery

雨      越し  に 覗いた

ame-goshi ni nozoita 

I looked into over the rain


atatakai kaze ga yonde kita

warm breeze was calling

どっか で 見えない 互い を 互い  に  合図   して

dokka de mienai tagai wo tagai ni aizu shite

Somehow we signaled each other while we couldn’t even see

そっと 二人   目 を  そらして  気付いた の

sotto futari me wo sorashite kizuita no 

The both of us looked the other way and realized

くだらない 愛 で

kudaranai ai de 

For the silly love

僕  たち      は  いつも   笑って  いる

boku-tachi wa itsumo waratte iru 

we are always laughing

思い出す   日々 が

omoidasu hibi ga 

Days we remember

僕たち      を   悲しませる        の

boku-tachi wo kanashimaseru no 

make us sad




くだらない 愛 で

kudaranai ai de 

For the silly love

僕たち         は いつも  笑って   いた

boku-tachi wa itsumo waratte ita

we were always laughing

繰り返す   日々 が

kurikaesu hibi ga 

Days that come and go

僕たち      を    振り向かせる   の

bokutachi wo furi-mukaseru no 

make us look back

ねぇ そっと 二人

nee sotto futari 

Hey the two of us in silence

魔法      を  唱える  の

mahou wo tonaeru no 

cast a magic spell

言葉     が   深める     惑星       の  夜    に  今

kotoba ga fukameru wakusei no yoru ni ima 

On the night of a planet when words deepens 

あなた を  探して

anata wo sagashite 

now I search for you and 




「心       枯れる  まで、共     に 笑って   いよう」

“kokoro kareru made tomo ni waratte iyou”

“Let’s spend time together laughing until our hearts decay”


yatto futari me wo awasete kizuita no 

Finally we see each other into the eye and realized

くだらない 愛 で

kudaranai ai de 

For the silly love

僕  たち      は  いつも   笑って  いる

boku-tachi wa itsumo waratte iru 

we are always laughing

思い出す   日々 が

omoidasu hibi ga 

Days we remember

僕たち      を   悲しませる        の

boku-tachi wo kanashimaseru no 

make us sad




くだらない 愛 で

kudaranai ai de 

For the silly love

僕たち         は いつも  笑って   いた

boku-tachi wa itsumo waratte ita

we were always laughing

繰り返す   日々 が

kurikaesu hibi ga 

Days that come and go

僕たち      を    振り向かせる   の

bokutachi wo furi-mukaseru no 

make us look back

ねぇ そっと 二人

nee sotto futari 

Hey the two of us in silence

魔法      を  唱える  の

mahou wo tonaeru no 

cast a magic spell

恋   風邪 に  のせて

koi kaze ni nosete

love floating with a flu

Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated.  Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!

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