Cheesy Fun Trailer For The 1987 Paranormal TV Horror Film THE VIDEO DEAD — GeekTyrant


Joey Paur

Curated From Check Them Out For More Content.

Here’s a fun retro horror movie trailer from 1987 for your viewing enjoyment! This is for a movie titled The Video Dead and it centers around a family who takes delivery of a new television set, unaware that it is the paranormal gateway by which killer zombies enter the world.

The movie was written and directed by Robert Scott and stars Roxanna Augesen. It’s definitely an over-the-top cheeseball horror film from the 80s, and you’re gonna love the acting, dialogue, and VFX work!

The movie was released by Embassy Home Entertainment and here are some of the reviews: PopMatters wrote that it “contains a few suspenseful scenes and some over-the-top moments, and might be of interest to zombie fans or zombie completists.” DVD Talk called it “essential viewing for fanatics of off-kilter ’80s horror”. DVD Verdict wrote, “The only thing The Video Dead has going for it are above average make-up effects for a film of this ilk.” HorrorNews.Net said: “All the zombie lovers in the world need to see The Video Dead. It is a great 80s zombie incarnation filled with little gems of humor that all fans of the genre can find entertaining.” Peter Dendle wrote in The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia, “This unsung zombie adventure is a nice surprise, offering gripping action as well as thoughtful meditations on zombies.”

Enjoy the trailer! I also included the full movie if you want to watch it!

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