You’ll Never Watch Spider-Man’s Death Scene in INFINITY WAR the Same Way Again After Seeing This VFX Bungle — GeekTyrant


There’s a video clip that’s gone viral on social media featuring a funny VFX mistake that you won’t be able to unsee after watching it.

The scene in question is Spider-Man’s death scene from Avengers: Infinity War, and if you watch this video, you will never watch the scene the same way again. It’s pretty wild that it took so long for someone to catch this VFX bungle.

I guess, until now, no one was paying attention to Tony Stark’s hand. But one eagle-eyed fan spotted it! As Spider-Man is dying in Iron Man’s arms, YouTuber @MadvocateYT points out that Robert Downey Jr.’s hand and body suddenly become very rigid.

This is because Robert Downey Jr. had to be removed from the scene so Peter Parker could turn to dust and a PNG version of Tony Stark was super-imposed over him.

The YouTuber said: “When getting this clip, I couldn’t help but notice how stiff Tony gets after a certain point. Including his hand, which funnily becomes a png that’s obviously translated out of frame. I can’t unsee it now, so neither can you.”

You’ll have a full understanding of what this means when you watch the video, so enjoy! Just watch the hand!

Joey Paur

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