Wordle today: Answer and hint #1258 for November 28


Kerry Brunskill

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We’ve got the answer to today’s Wordle all typed up and ready to go, just hanging around this page if you need a quick win or you’re running out of rows to type your guesses into. Don’t worry if that’s all a bit sudden—our hint for the November 28 (1258) puzzle’s also on standby, and we’ve got a brilliant selection of general tips for you too.

Oh that was painful. I was lucky in some ways because I always had something to work with, the only trouble is I couldn’t make it make sense for what felt like forever. After much frowning and more than a few dead-end guesses I eventually stumbled on the right word, but getting there was such a trial. Still, at least it’s over, and I never have to worry about that word again.

Today’s Wordle hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Thursday, November 28

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