Wordle today: Answer and hint #1239 for November 9


Kerry Brunskill

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Guarantee yourself a comfortable weekend Wordle win with our tips and tricks. If that looks like a straightforward click leading to today’s answer then dive right in and enjoy another easy win, or if you’d rather spend some time with our clue for the November 9 (1239) game then scroll down, take your time, and enjoy yourself.

Finding a key green letter on my first row made the world of difference today, giving me a solid base to work the rest of my word-finding guesses around. Thanks to that great start, I found the answer pretty quickly and without too much trouble. The only problem now is working out what to do with the rest of the time I’d set aside for today’s Wordle.

Today’s Wordle hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Saturday, November 9

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