Wolverine Angrily Tells Audiences To “Turn Your F–ing Phone To Silent” In Funny DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE PSA — GeekTyrant


There a new Deadpool & Wolverine-themed cell phone PSA coming to theaters this weekend, and Wolverine goes berserker as he angrily tell audiences in the theater to “turn you f–king phone to silent.”

Logan proceeds to let the expletives fly out of his mounth as he continues to yell at the audience and threaten them in a variety of ways. This is foul-mouth hilarity and we’ve never heard Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine talk like this before! It’s quite a treat.

It looks like this version of Wolverine is going to have a very short temper.

When talking about the film’s R rating, Ryan Reynolds said: “I hope this doesn’t sound condescending, I’m really proud of them for doing this. It’s a huge step for them, it adds a whole color to this kaleidoscopic wheel that is that company and the different people that they have been entertaining for forever.”

The actor also wanted to make sure fans understood that the rating wasn’t about “exploiting” the ability to “just do R-rated stuff,” but because “there’s no other way to do it for this character in this world.”

The PSA hasn’t officially been released yet, but it already making the rounds on social media and you can watch it below.

Joey Paur

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