WOLVERINE According to Scott Adkins — GeekTyrant


Joey Paur

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Fans were pretty pissed off at how the fan-favorite Marvel character Deadpool was handled in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It started out great with Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson, but when the character was transformed into Deadpool, it didn’t resemble the character at all. It’s still crazy to me that that was the direction they went with the character and that someone (Tom Rothman) actually thought that was a great idea.

Well, it turns out that the version of Deadpool in that movie could have actually been worse! I don’t know how you get worse than that, but Scott Adkins, the actor, and martial artist who played that Deadpool monstrosity at the end of the movie, talked about how things could have been even more terrible. He shared his experience working in the film in an interview with CB saying:

“I know that I was part of the problem with the first, you know, version of Deadpool. But I was just doing as I was told… Ryan wasn’t even there by the time we shot the Deadpool stuff, I, I think he was off doing something else. When he saw what they were gonna do, he must have been really annoyed, really annoyed. But I was just, like ‘Hang on a minute.’ Because I went over there thinking I was gonna be the full costume and everything. But there were other versions of that character that I was getting dressed up as and coming out by some terrible stuff as well. It could have been even worse. Um, not to throw anyone under the bus.”

He went on to tease how it could have been worse:

“Imagine Deadpool with a fish bowl on his head. Yeah. But listen, they were looking at a few ideas, and luckily they didn’t choose that one.”

Good grief. It makes you wonder how these people in Hollywood actually get into the positions that they are in to make these kinds of decisions. It makes me sad because I always wanted to produce movies!

Liev Schreiber, who also starred in X-Men Origins: Wolverine as Victor Creed, aka Sabertooth, recently did an interview where he addressed the film and mentioned how happy he is to see that Reynolds was able to correct the Deadpool character. he said:

“I mean Ryan did such a great job with that transition [to the Deadpool movies], ’cause I felt like it was, in many ways, so antithetical to who that character was in Origins. But I’m glad that Ryan was able to correct that mistake.”

Reynolds has done an amazing job with Deadpool. Unfortunately, the character had to go through one of the worst possible scenarios before he got to where he needed to be.

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