Wacky Trailer For SHREK 2 RETOLD a Shot-For-Shot Remake Created By 800 Filmmakers — GeekTyrant


Here’s a bonkers trailer for a new project called Shrek 2 Retold, which is a shot-for-shot remake of the original movie that was made by 800 filmmakers.

The producer of the project 3GI shared that Shrek 2 Retold is “a crowd-sourced, scene-for-scene remake of the greatest sequel ever told.’ Over 800 ‘animators, filmmakers, musicians, and storytellers’ from familiar faces – Spider-Verse’s Phil Lord and Chris Miller, plus the late Gilbert Gottfried feature – to slightly more obscure, but no less talented, artists and animators getting their chance to shine.”

The trailer offers a little tease of the madness that is coming from this. This is certainly going to deliver a wacky experience for viewers.

It even includes characters from Family Guy, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more.

Shrek 2 Retold will be released on September 28, 2024.

Joey Paur

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