Video Explores The Oldest Known Civilizations — GeekTyrant


Joey Paur

Curated From Check Them Out For More Content.

If you’re a big of fan history as I am, I’ve got a video here from Weird History for you to watch! This video explores the oldest civilizations on Earth and it’s incredibly interesting! I go exploring areas of ancient civilizations in the US a lot, there’s so much cool stuff out there that people don’t know about and they are places of ancient history that you can actually see and touch. I love this kind of stuff!

The video came with the following note:

Humans have been around for around 350,000 years, but it has only been a short time since they began to group together in what we call civilizations. In all of our history on this planet, humans have only civilized themselves for approximately 10,000 years thanks to the development of agriculture, animal husbandry, and eventually writing. Of the thousands of civilizations that have existed, most have disappeared. Few have remained in the same place they originated such as the Chinese or Egyptians, while most have died out. Many ancient civilizations existed throughout human history, but some lasted longer than you might believe.

If you’re a history buff, you’re gonna enjoy this!

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