This Trailer For SQUIRREL WITH A GUN Might Be The Funniest and Most Deranged Thing You Watch Today — GeekTyrant


This is a trailer for an upcoming video game titled Squirrel with a Gun, and in it you play as a little squirrel that goes around shooting people with a variety of guns, and the whole thing is ludicrously funny.

I just laughed as I watched the trailer because I had no idea that this game was going to be what it is… completely deranged!

The description for the game reads: “It is not easy, but it’s fun, to be a squirrel with a gun! Squirrel with a Gun is a sandbox game that focuses on exploration and shooting combat.

“Defend yourself from random encounters with Agents using various weapons. Climb and jump across platforms with your natural squirrel skill, and use weapon recoil to cross even greater gaps.

“Explore the neighborhood from a squirrel’s eye view. Talk with residents of the neighborhood and help them out for goodies… Or mug them for goodies!”

The game is coming to PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5 Fall 2024. Enjoy the trailer!

Joey Paur

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