The Witch from Mercury – 21 – Random Curiosity



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「今、できることを」 (Ima, Dekiru koto wo)
“What We Can Do Now”

Following in tried and true Gundam fashion, the endgame for Witch from Mercury is aiming for awesome. And not the more modern definition of the word mind you; with high stakes, big battles, and dominating personalities now running all over, this series is gearing up for that larger than life finale we’re all here to see.

Having espoused on the pacing troubles as I see them, this week was a nice(r) return to form, circling back to the main characters and central plot tying everything together. Miorine of course gets half the stage here: she’s at rock bottom blaming herself for everything which has transpired and is now in the unenviable position of needing to make tough choices. It’s basically another kick at the dumb adults vs. naïve kids theme can, where Miorine is paying for the decisions of others all the while trying to build up her own vision. It’s not right, it’s not fair, but as Sarius so succinctly puts it’s a world she has to come to grips with and accept the toll for. Miorine may get the happy ending in saving everyone (because plot armour), but it’s only going to come after getting dragged through the mud a little while longer.

Part of that abuse will come from the other stage sharer in Suletta and the inevitable showdown with Prospera and Eri. Much as predicted this will result in Suletta trying to talk it out, obviously failing, and there being some sort of battle which will hinge on Eri’s decision. Suletta after all is already raising her potential death flags courtesy of data storm surges in piloting another Gundam, while Quiet Zero and its capabilities are, well, pretty obvious at this stage. Personally I suspect Eri will stop Prospera and rescue Suletta in the end since only Suletta can be the “real-life” child for Prospera, but whether Prospera lives through it is a natural question given Witch from Mercury loves its shock and awe. Unless of course we get that instead with Guel, Lauda, and Miorine; with younger brother on the warpath to right the (perceived) wrongs against Guel, there’s a not insignificant possibility Guel still winds up playing the tragic hero.

In the end it all comes down to one final battle, with the outcome, while certain overall, bound to have a few surprises up its sleeve. Going to be very interesting watching this play out.



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