The Witch from Mercury – 16 – Random Curiosity



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「罪過の輪」 (“Zaika no Wa)
“Cycle of Sin”

Well I dare say there’s one of two minds after this episode. Either you’re going to be part of the crowd lamenting a return to the daily school-life shenanigans (with a Gundam flare of course), or you’ll be one enjoying just how far down the rabbit hole this story is going. Me personally, I’m holding off for season’s end. Considering what’s transpired to date I think it’s worthwhile seeing how Witch from Mercury tops it from here on out.

With what’s happened these past couple of episodes and Prospera being outed as the main villain I don’t think it’s too shocking how quickly the reveals are now happening. If one death wasn’t enough to confirm it, mama coming out and admitting everything – Suletta, Aerial, Quiet Zero – is all for the sake of Eri and her current bodily predicament. Besides the fun of basically going full 40k biotransference (just in a “data-storm” covering) I find the purpose of this really ironic. Eri after all had to be digitized in the first place – why? What caused Prospera to strip away her daughter’s body and pursue this path? Was it because of what transpired after Delling’s attack in the prologue episode, or something more sinister? If you’ve seen the prologue you can probably guess which of these is most likely, but suffice to say there’s still a major piece of the puzzle missing.

Part of what makes Prospera’s intentions (and the direction of this story) reasonably predictable is what’s happening with her other daughter Suletta. As with Prospera there’s shouldn’t be anything remarkable here, even if it’s eye opening in its blatantness. Yes, Suletta is firmly under the yoke of her mother, and yes the girl is innocent and naïve enough to not even realize it’s happening. You can feel for the fear and frustration of Miorine here: Suletta, if so much as asked by Prospera, would outright kill Miorine all because it was a request from dear old mom. All of Suletta’s and Miorine’s struggles to date? Past events not affecting the present. While I’m leaning towards this being a hamfisted copout stripping Suletta of any sense of agency to force conflict between the two girls (read: Valvrave writing in full effect), I’m of mind to wait and see just how this little detail is handled. Miorine after all is committed to freeing Suletta, nothing says Suletta herself, with a little prodding, cannot break free from Prospera’s spell and realize her own dreams.

And all of that then leads back to the more down to earth plotting within Benerit itself. Electing a new president was largely a given after Shaddiq took his adopted father out of the running, though obviously the results of this election are currently up in the air. While Shaddiq is certain not to get it (one punished hero is guaranteed to make sure of that), there’s conversely no guarantee Miorine herself also succeeds, even with some surgical backing. What this situation basically ensures is that Prospera’s plan is forced into motion and everyone will have to pick a side. Are you with giving the totality of human electronic existence a human form for the sake of one child (and revenge), or would you rather pursue more noble intentions as some desperately desire? Quite a few characters have yet to make this choice, but the moment for that is fast approaching.

It’s simply a matter of who first pulls the trigger.



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