The Quintessential Quintuplets Anime Reveals Animated 5th Anniversary Video – News


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First anime adaptation aired in January 2019

The TBS Anime YouTube channel began streaming on Monday a newly animated video celebrating the fifth anniversary of the anime adaptation of Negi Haruba‘s The Quintessential Quintuplets (Gotōbun no Hanayome) manga. The video features new voice lines from each of the girls.


As part of the anniversary celebration, five “Special” events will be held throughout the year. The trailer reveals the first event, an anniversary exhibition, is running from December 22-January 21. The second Special is the two-day 5th Anniversary Event in Yokohama Arena. Day one will take place on April 27 and features a screening of the film concert. On April 28, there will be a talk event with the cast as well as a live performance.

The Quintessential Quintuplets Special Event 2023″ announced in April that the manga is getting a new anime adapting stories that have not yet appeared in the previous anime projects.

Haruba launched the original manga in Kodansha‘s Weekly Shōnen Magazine in August 2017, and ended the series in February 2020.

The anime’s first season premiered in January 2019 and aired for 12 episodes. The anime’s second season aired from January 2021 to March 2021.

The Quintessential Quintuplets the Movie opened in Japan in May 2022. The film serves as the finale for the story. Crunchyroll screened the film in the United States and Canada with English subtitles and with an English dub in December 2022.

Source: TBS Anime’s YouTube channel, Comic natalie,

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