THE BOYS Showrunner Confirms Series Will Not End the Same as the Comic Book — GeekTyrant


The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke has confirmed that the Prime Video series will not end the same way as the comic. He also addresses the Black Noir twist in the comic.

It’s been clear that The Boys series is not a direct adaptation of the Garth Ennis comic book, and as the show has progressed from season to season, we’ve seen more of a significant deviation from the source material.

When we get to the end of the series, don’t expect the same ending as the comic, because Kripke has got something else planned.

If you haven’t read the comic, steer clear because I’m going into some spoiler territory on that.

At the end of the comic readers learn that Noir has actually been a clone of Homelander all along, and was responsible for committing the leader of the Seven’s most heinous crimes.

Kripke was asked in a recent interview if he considered sticking to the comics for this particular twist in the story, and he responded: “No, and I don’t mind saying it.”

He explained: “In the comics, he’s a clone of Homelander this entire time and is actually the one doing all these horrific things. And again, it’s a hell of a twist. But it’s like, well wait, the villain I’ve been following isn’t really the villain.

“And mileage varies, and I’m sure fans are mad I’m not going that way, but that felt not as satisfying to me. I’m like, if I’m going to follow this villain, I want this guy to be the villain. So I was never really into the clone idea.”

He goes on to say: “Plus, cloning feels like too — I’m going to sound silly — but cloning feels too magical for the show. We try to say that superheroes are the only slippery banana, and that everything else we try to make as grounded as possible.”

The showrunner added: “There’s some stuff in the comic that we couldn’t do even if we wanted to. I think, look, there’s some shocking twists in the comic, but I would want them to be just a little more emotionally satisfying.

He teased the ending, saying: “And so the ending I have in mind is — certainly as elements that it’s inspired by that. But it’s not the ending from the comics.”

It’ll be interesting to see what Kripke and his team have come up with for the ending, which is coming in Season 5. In the meantime, I’m just going to enjoy this crazy ride.

Source: Variety

Joey Paur

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