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The anime world was shocked once again with the news on July 29 of prolific voice actor Keiko Yamamoto‘s passing. Primarily known for her roles as Shota Yamada in Chibi Maruko-chan, Bakabon in Tensai Bakabon, and Robocon in Ganbare!! Robocon, Yamamoto had a distinguished career portraying characters in several anime series over 50 years. Her work has touched the lives and hearts of her colleagues and fans alike, and now those colleagues and fans are paying their respects:
Chibi Maruko-chan
山本圭子さんは、1990年から2023年12月17日(日)放送の『まる子、記念写真を撮りたい』の巻まで「山田くん」役を演じて頂きました。…— ちびまる子ちゃん【公式】 (@tweet_maruko) July 29, 2024
Keiko Yamamoto-san, who voiced Yamada-kun in Chibi Maruko-chan, passed away on April 18.
Keiko Yamamoto portrayed Yamada-kun from 1990 until the episode “Maruko Wants to Take a Commemorative Photo” which aired on Sunday, December 17, 2023.
Thank you so much for all these years. We pray for your soul to rest in peace.
Eiji Inuki
— 犬木栄治 (@inukieiji) July 29, 2024
Keiko Yamamoto-san… Now Hanazawa-san has passed away. Yamato’s mother in BatB was drawn with Hanazawa-san in mind. I love positive girls like Hanazawa-san. I will continue to live with Yamamoto-san’s powerful voice engraved in my heart. Thank you so much.
Eisaku Fukaya
— 深谷英作 | A.e.Suck (@aesuck) July 29, 2024
The sad news of Keiko Yamamoto-san’s passing. Bakabon, Robocon, Tare-chan. The ones I have a special attachment to are Nachigron and Kinbone Obaba, which I originally drew. I can still hear the line “Kinnikuman is going to die.” RIP.
Hitoshi Nanba
山本圭子さま ご冥福をお祈りいたします
ありがとうございました— 難波日登志(三條なみみ) (@namimi_sanjyo) July 29, 2024
May Keiko Yamamoto-san rest in peace. The Bakabon family is the best family. Thank you very much.
Ishinomori Manga Museum
#石ノ森萬画館 のエントランスで出迎えてくれる #ロボコン
謹んでお悔やみ申し上げます。— 石ノ森萬画館 (@ishimangakan) July 29, 2024
Robocon greets you at the entrance of Ishinomori Manga Museum.
He sometimes give tours of the building.
There are also blocks on the floor when you step on them you will hear his voice.Tomorrow, the day after, and beyond, so long as the Manga Museum is open, you can listen to it. Please listen carefully from time to time.
We would like to express our deepest condolences to voice actress Keiko Yamamoto-sama.
Kagemusha (former animator)
— 影武者 (@kagemusha_1985) July 29, 2024
Another voice actor has passed away.
Keiko Yamamoto-san, who is well known for her roles as Hanazawa in Sazae-san or Robocon and Bakabon.
Please accept my sincere condolences.
Mitsuru Miura
心よりお祈りします(合掌)— 三浦みつる (@miura_mitsuru) July 29, 2024
I pray for the soul of Keiko Yamamoto-san to rest in peace. (Clasping hands in prayer)
Nobuhiro Suzumura
私はVシネマの「燃えろ‼︎ ロボコンvsがんばれ‼︎ ロボコン」の時にチーフ助監督でご一緒させて頂きました。
謹んでお悔やみ申し上げます。声優・山本圭子さん、敗血症のため死去 83歳— 鈴村展弘@公式アカウント (@suzu_n_official) July 29, 2024
I had the opportunity to work with her when I was the assistant chief director on the V-Cinema production “Moero!! Robocon vs Ganbare!! Robocon.”
She was a very kind person, and was loved by her fellow voice actors and nicknamed “Dodoko-san.”
I offer my deepest condolences.Voice actress Keiko Yamamoto dies of sepsis at age 83
Sakura Productions

We would like to express our deepest condolences upon hearing the news of the passing of Keiko Yamamoto-san, who played Yamada-kun in the anime Chibi Maruko-chan until the episode “Maruko Wants to Take a Commemorative Photo,” which aired on Sunday, December 17, 2023.
Yamada-kun is a cheerful character who at first you cannot understand, but who actually smiles brightly and says things that hit the nail on the head. It is all thanks to Yamamoto-san, who raised him for so long, that he was able to become that character.
Thank you so much.
We pray for her soul to rest in peace.
心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします— 駿河屋更新情報【公式】 (@surugaya_kosin) July 29, 2024
The death of voice actress Keiko Yamamoto has been announced.
She was a renowned voice actress who voiced many famous characters in anime works, such as Hanazawa-san in Sazae-san and Yamada in Chibi Maruko-chan.
Her unique and distinctive voice really brought excitement to the story.
Thank you for your wonderful work.
May you rest in peace.
Taku Ashibe
山本圭子さん訃報。白黒版おそ松くんの「養子になったおそ松くん 」でチョロ松・カラ松との兼役で演じた大阪弁の金満夫人が実によかった。亭主は今西正男さんか。 これもまたロスト・テクノロジーかもしれない。
— 芦辺 拓 (@ashibetaku) July 29, 2024
Keiko Yamamoto-san passed away. She was amazing as the wealthy Osakan lady while playing the roles of Choromatsu and Karamatsu in the black and white version of Osomatsu-kun episode “Osomatsu-kun Become an Adopted Son”. Her husband was Masao Imanishi-san. This may also be lost technology.…
声優の山本圭子さんが4月18日に83歳で逝去されたそうです#サザエさん の花沢さん #もーれつア太郎 のア太郎 #天才バカボン のバカボン #ビックリマン の天子男ジャック等で活躍
謹んで哀悼の意を表します#山本圭子 さん
— てれびくん【公式】 (@Televi_Kun) July 29, 2024
Voice actress Keiko Yamamoto-san passed away on April 18th at the age of 83.
She portrayed Hanazawa-san in Sazae-san, Ataro in Mōretsu Atarō, Bakabon in Tensai Bakabon, Tenshi Dan-Jack in Bikkuri-Man, etc.
Her role as Robocon in “Ganbare!! Robocon”, in particular, left a strong impression us.We would like to express our deepest condolences.
TMS Entertainment
トムス作品では「天才バカボン」シリーズのバカボン役や『アタックNo.1』の八木沢香役をはじめ、『赤胴鈴之助』「ルパン三世」シリーズなど、多くの作品にご出演いただきました。…— トムス・エンタテインメント【公式】 (@TMSent_jp) July 29, 2024
On April 18, voice actress Keiko Yamamoto-san passed away.
She appeared in many TMS productions, including the role of Bakabon in the Tensai Bakabon franchise, Kapro Yagisawa in Attack No. 1, Akadō Suzunosuke, and the “Lupin the Third franchise.
Thank you, Yamamoto-san, for your heartfelt voice acting. May you rest in peace.
Tsukasa Kotobuki
— ことぶきつかさ (@t_kotobuki) July 29, 2024
For me Keiko Yamamoto-san is Robocon. I loved Robocon. I pray for her soul to rest in peace.
Tsuyoshi Ōhashi
— 大橋ツヨシ@どらねこのメロディー (@tsuyoshioo) July 29, 2024
The news of the death of Keiko Yamamoto-san. Ataro from Mōretsu Atarō, Bakabon from Tensai Bakabon, Robocon from Ganbare Robocon, Gonbe from Ganbare Gonbe, and many other characters I loved. It’s really sad to hear the news of the deaths of voice actors I’ve been familiar with since childhood.
Keiko Yamamoto will certainly be deeply missed by her colleagues and fans. And while we will never hear her voice again, her memory will always be in the series she took part in.
Did we miss any eulogies to Keiko Yamamoto? Feel free to let us know in our forums or by email.