Tested Shows Off Amazing STAR WARS Models of The Perfect X-Wing and a 5-Foot Rebel Blockade Runner — GeekTyrant


Joey Paur

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Here are a couple of videos from Adam Savage’s Tested that were shot at Wonderfest 2023. Norman Chan met a couple of model makers who have created a couple of amazing Star Wars models. The first comes from Jason Eaton and it’s a perfect model of an X-Wing. The second comes from John Sabean, and its a massive 5-foot-long Rebel Blockade Runner!


Over the past twenty years, veteren modelmaker Jason Eaton has been building studio scale X-Wing models in the quest to create the perfect replica of the filming miniatures used for Star Wars. From community-sourced kits to scratch-built originals, Jason has iterated his X-Wing builds countless times–each build using new measurements and reference. At WonderFest 2023, Jason brings his latest Red 1 X-Wing build: the pinnacle of his modelmaking journey and the one he’s finally happy with!

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