Ryan Gosling Knows Exactly What THE FALL GUY 2 Would Look Like and He Hopes They Make It — GeekTyrant


Universal’s The Fall Guy opened up this past weekend to great reviews from fans and critics. Unfortunately, it was not a huge turnout at the box office, so we will have to see how it performs in the long run, but hopefully the studio will see how much fans have enjoyed it, and they’ll let them make another one.

Director of the film, and former stunt man himself, Davic Leitch said he made this movie as a tribute to all the unsung stunt performers in the business, and it was just so much fun. It had comedy, romance, great music, and some of the best action ever!

When talking about the possibility of a sequel, star of the film Ryan Gosling recently sat down with Fast Company (via CB) and said:

“Oh yeah. We already – I mean, we love these characters so much that we wanted to know, just for ourselves, what happens to Colt and [Emily Blunt’s character] Jody after the movie ends? What’s the next phase for them? And we know exactly what it is. So hopefully the audience wants to know, too. The sequel sort of wrote itself. We already know [the story] intimately. We’re just hoping that people like this movie enough that we get to keep telling the story of these characters. We love them so much, and we love this world, and I feel confident that we can do it.”

I would absolutely love to see a second movie with these characters! I took my family to see The Fall Guy, and each one of us had a great time at the theater. I love movies like this, and I know we would show up to see another one. What about you? Have you seen The Fall Guys? If not, head to the theater and have a great time.

Jessica Fisher

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