Joey Paur

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Quentin Tarantino has been saying for years that he is going to retire from directing movies after his tenth film. Well, he’s currently working on his tenth film, The Movie Critic, and after that… what’s he going to do!?

I hate that he is looking to step away from movies because I think he could and should keep going. If he loves the art of filmmaking so much, why not stick with it!? Directors like Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, and Clint Eastwood continue to make great films, and they will probably die in the middle of directing a project.

If I were lucky enough to be in the position to direct movies, It’s something I would never want to stop doing because I love the art of filmmaking and storytelling so much. It baffles me that someone with so much passion for filmmaking and movies would want to stop. But, if that’s the road he’s going to take, I’ll support him in it, I just don’t understand it.

During a recent interview with Deadline, Tarantino was asked if he really is retiring from directing movies and his answer was, “[A] motion picture, yes …” and then he went on to discuss what the future holds for him in Hollywood and what he’ll do next:

“I could do a TV show. I didn’t say I’m going to go into the night darkly, all right? I could do a TV show. I could do a short film. I could do a play. All kinds of things I could do, but I’ll probably just be more of a writer.”

It’s good to know that he’s going to keep those creative juices flowing in other ways, but I’ll miss him making movies! He went on to talk about why this is the decision he came to:

“I am ending the filmography. It’s just time. It’s just time to go out. I like the idea of going out on top. I like the idea of giving it my all for 30 years and then saying, ‘OK, that’s enough.’ And I don’t like working to diminishing returns. And I mean, now is a good time because I mean, what even is a motion picture anyway anymore? Is it just something that they show on Apple? That would be diminishing returns.”

The filmmaker went on to say that he understands the value of home video and streaming platforms, but he thinks movies are an art form designed for the cinematic experience:

“Well, I’ve always thought that. And they eventually get to television. I saw a lot of them that way. I’m probably going to be doing the movie with Sony because they’re the last game in town that is just absolutely, utterly, committed to the theatrical experience. It’s not about feeding their streaming network. They are committed to theatrical experience. They judge success by asses on seats. And they judge success by the movies entering the zeitgeist, not just making a big expensive movie and then putting it on your streaming platform. No one even knows it’s there.

“I mean, and I’m not picking on anybody, but apparently for Netflix, Ryan Reynolds has made $50 million on this movie and $50 million on that movie and $50 million on the next movie for them. I don’t know what any of those movies are. I’ve never seen them.”

“I haven’t ever talked to Ryan Reynolds’ agent, but his agent is like, ‘Well, it cost $50 million.’ Well, good for him that he’s making so much money. But those movies don’t exist in the zeitgeist. It’s almost like they don’t even exist.”

I 100% understand what he’s saying, there are a lot of films on the streaming service platforms that I haven’t seen. It really is like they don’t exist. But, he doesn’t have to become a part of that system, he can continue to make feature films to fight against it, don’t stop making moves because of it. It’s a bummer that we’re only going to get one more feature film from Tarantino. I really hope it’s his best yet.

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Quentin Tarantino Talks About What He's Going to Do After He Retires From Making Movies