Poll: What’s The Best Ys Game? Rate Your Favourites For Our Upcoming Ranking


Nintendo Life

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Ready to set sail with Adol? Ys: X Nordics is out today on Switch and all platforms in the West, and we thought it was about time we looked back at Ys’ history on Nintendo platforms. And what better way than a ranked list, hey?

Falcom’s long-running action RPG series started waaaay back in 1987 on the PC-8800 series with Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished, making it older than Final Fantasy. It’s a bit of a trailblazer, and the franchise is beloved for its incredible music and fast-paced combat.

Not every single Ys game is available on a Nintendo console, but there’s a healthy variety to pick up if you want to get into Adol’s adventures. And we know those of you who love Ys really love the series, so we want to hear from you — what is the best Ys game on a Nintendo console? Only counting the ones that are officially out in the West, mind you. No Ys V for the Super Famicom, and no Ys DS. And of course, no Sega Master System game.

Registered Nintendo Life users can rank the Ys games by clicking on the stars below. Like with all of our ranked lists, all of the games are rated out of 10, but the list is completely fluid, meaning the order is subject to change even after the list is published and out in the wild. Plus, if you change your mind about a game’s, you can edit it!

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