Phantom Siita’s 1st world tour reaches NA and EU, horror idol group produced by Ado


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Phantom Siita (ファントムシータ) is a relatively new name in the idol scene, officially debuted on June 26, 2024. Produced by the renowned utaite Ado, they consider themselves a heresy to modern Japanese idols with their retro-horror concept. They metaphorically compare themselves to moths—”terrifying yet beautiful”—in contrast to the butterflies that represent today’s idols.

With incredible success in such a short time, and millions of views on their music videos, this idol group of five has just ended their Asia tour leg and is now reaching the stage of North America and Europe in their first world tour! Stretching from January to February 2025, there will be seven shows in North America, and four shows in Europe—catch all the dates and details further down!

Here’s a look at Phantom Siita’s most viewed music video to date, Just Wanna xxxx With You, which has garnered over 4 million views and perfectly captures the concept of “retro-horror”:

Ado, who produced the group, recently completed her first world tour in 2024, where we had the chance to interview her. She will also embark on a lengthy world tour, HIBANA, in 2025.

🗓 Date📍 Location🌎 Country🔗 Info

January 16

Sold out

Taipei🇹🇼 TaiwanTickets

January 18

Manila🇵🇭 PhilippinesTickets

January 21

Singapore🇸🇬 SingaporeTickets

January 28

San Jose🇺🇸 United StatesTickets

January 30

Anaheim🇺🇸 United StatesTickets

February 02

Dallas🇺🇸 United StatesTickets

February 04

Houston🇺🇸 United StatesTickets

February 06

Chicago🇺🇸 United StatesTickets

February 08

New York🇺🇸 United StatesTickets

February 10

Toronto🇨🇦 CanadaTickets

February 13

Utrecht🇳🇱 NetherlandsTickets

February 15

Paris🇫🇷 FranceTickets

February 17

Berlin🇩🇪 GermanyTickets

February 19

London🇬🇧 United KingdomTickets

  1. キミと××××したいだけ

  2. おともだち

  3. 魔性少女

  4. 乙女心中

  5. 花喰み


  7. ゾクゾク

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