Original NATIONAL LAMPOON’S VACATION Star Says She Has a Movie Pitch to Reunite the Original Cast — GeekTyrant


Jessica Fisher

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One of the funniest things about the National Lampoon’s Vacation movies is that across the movies, the kids always change. The first film started out the franchise with Dana Barron and Anthony Michael Hall as Audrey and Rusty, the kids of Clark and Ellen Griswold, played by Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo. After that, new kids were brought in to each film, and Chevy Chase’s Clark even pokes fun at the running joke in Vegas Vacation, when he says something to the effect of not even recognizing the kids anymore.

So what would happen if the original stars were brought back? This is what original Audrey actress, Dana Barron, is hoping for. She explained to ComicBook that she has a movie idea to pitch to the studio that would reunite the original stars:

“I have my personal pitch but I don’t see it happening at this point. Wouldn’t it be fun for them to be…Rusty and I stick them with our young kids — the parents. Just ‘Go and take care of them,’ and they have their vacation running after little kids, and Rusty and I go to some club and be silly for a long weekend. It hasn’t been done yet, and it’s all about the script. If it’s a really good script, I’m sure it would be considered, but right now, nothing has been written.”

When asked where the vacation would take place, she responded: “Isn’t Hawaii the standard answer?”

Barron is also currently working on a book titled, Holiday Road: Are We There Yet?, which will collect fans’ stories and share some of the most Griswold-like vacation anecdotes she can round up. Would you like to see another Vacation movie with the original cast reunited? I would totally watch it!

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