Kо̄hei Horikoshi Releases Comments Following Conclusion of My Hero Academia Manga – Interest


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August 5, 2024 was a bittersweet day for many manga fans as the massively popular series My Hero Academia ended after just over a decade of publication. The series propelled manga and anime to new heights and will likely be the inspiration for many young readers to pursue a career in the manga industry. The author Kōhei Horikoshi released a final comment in the August 19 and 26 double issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, and then posted one last message on his X (formerly Twitter) account regarding his feelings about the conclusion of his series:

Image via Kо̄hei Horikoshi’s X/Twitter account

Horikoshi made his final author’s message in the August 19 and 26 double issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, which clearly expressed his gratitude to all the people who read his series over the past decade. Viz Media translated the message: “I was so glad to be in Jump! I’m so glad for everyone who read my series. Thank you so much!”

Yet, this wasn’t the final comment by Horikoshi regarding the conclusion of his long running series. In a relatively rare post that isn’t an announcement, the author expanded on his Weekly Shonen Jump message on his X/Twitter account. He stated that he was exhausted but managed to finish his series. On top of this, he expressed his joy of Deku, the protagonist of My Hero Academia, being next to Luffy, of One Piece, as well as “battling” several Jump Comics over the years. However, with so many other ongoing My Hero Academia projects, Horikoshi also said, “So many other people are keeping My Hero Academia going, so it doesn’t feel like it’s over at all.”

The manga My Hero Academia has concluded in this week’s issue of Jump! I’ve been exhausted for a long time, but I managed to make it to the end! Thank you to everyone who read it!!!!!!
I will never forget the joy and weight of being able to battle with so many interesting manga in the coveted Jump. And above all, the fact Deku was entrusted by Luffy’s side, even if only for a short time, even if it was just luck!
I’m still drawing Deku and the others for the comics, the anime is still airing, the movie is in theaters, the games are still ongoing, the spin-off manga is still being serialized, there are events, and so many other people are keeping My Hero Academia going, so it doesn’t feel like it’s over at all.
Please continue to support My Hero Academia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus Ultra

Through his message, Horikoshi managed to convey his thanks to the fans of his series, and also express his gratitude to the Japanese publisher Shueisha, Weekly Shonen Jump, and his contemporaries at the publication. However, we may get a handful more when the final volume of the My Hero Academia manga ships.

Sources: Kōhei Horikoshi‘s X/Twitter account, Weekly Shonen Jump volume 36-37, Viz Media‘s website

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