Jpop Recommend #510 Megumi no hito by RATS & STAR


Curated From Check Them Out For More Content.

Released in April 1983, this song w
as used as a campaign song for cosmetics.

Therefore the lyrics emphasizes the “eyes”.

RATS & STAR is a chorus group which first debuted as “CHANELS” (Later they changed the spelling to “SHANELS”).  The group was inspired by the Black music such as Doo-wop and soul music.  They gained a great popularity in the 80s led by a legendary vocalist, Masayuki Suzuki.

“め組” Me-gumi has two meanings.  “me” means “eyes” and “Me-gumi” can also mean a group of fire fighters in the Edo period.  In the Edo period, many of the homes were built with paper and woods so when the fire breaks out, it can easily spread throughout the city and cause great damage.  So a group of fire fighters were organized to protect the city from the fire.  The groups were named with Japanese alphabet(“いろは Iroha ”) according their jurisdiction.  

Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated.  Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!



Japanese pronunciation

English translation

いなせ だね  夏     を   連れて  来た  女

Inase dane natsu wo tsurete kita hito 

What a dashing style!  A girl who brought the summer

渚         まで   噂      走る      よ めッ!

nagisa made uwasa hashiru yo me
rumor will run straight to the beach  See!

涼し気      な   目もと     流し目       eye eye eye

suzushige na memoto nagashime 

cool eyes casting glances eye eye eye 

粋  な  事件 起こりそうだぜ めッ! 

iki na koto okorisoudaze   me

Something cool can happen See!

妖しい Sweet Baby め組のひとだね 

ayashii sweet baby me-gumi no hito dane

Mysterious sweet baby you have such an impressive eyes

お前のニュースで ビーチは突然 パニック 

omae no news de beach wa totsuzen panic

Your news turned the beach into sudden panic

Baby、baby、baby、be my girl

夢中なのさ be my girl 

muchuu nanosa be my girl

I’m so crazy for you  Please be my girl

浮気な微笑みに 俺たち気もそぞろ 

uwaki na hohoemi ni ore-tachi ki mo sozoro

Your cheating smile makes us all restless

男      たち   の   心      奪う  たび に お前 

otoko tachi no kokoro ubau tabi ni omae 

Whenever you take the hearts of men

綺麗 に なってく ね… 

kirei ni natteku ne

you turn prettier as ever

夏      の  罪      は   素敵    すぎる 

natsu no tsumi wa suteki sugiru 

Summer sins are too good to be true 

いなせ だね  夏     を   連れて  来た  女

Inase dane natsu wo tsurete kita hito 

What a dashing style!  A girl who brought the summer

渚         まで   噂      走る      よ めッ!

nagisa made uwasa hashiru yo me
rumor will run straight to the beach  See!

涼し気      な   目もと     流し目       eye eye eye

suzushige na memoto nagashime 

cool eyes casting glances eye eye eye 

粋  な  事件 起こりそうだぜ めッ! 

iki na koto okorisoudaze   me

Something cool can happen See!

小粋  だね    髪   に  飾った   花     も 

koiki dane kami ni kazatta hana mo 

So stylish the flowers in her hair 

細い    腰    あわせ   揺れる の よ めッ! 

hosoi koshi awase yureru no yo me 

it swings as your slender hips swings See! 

ひと夏      の  恋  を  引き込む   eye eye eye 

hitonatsu no koi wo hikikomu 

Bringing in the one summer love eye eye eye 

気まぐれ   に 片目     閉じる よ めッ! 

kimagure ni katame tojiru yo me

and you wink mischievously See!

夏      に 繰り出した   め    組    の  ひと だね 

natsu ni kuridashita me-gumi no hito dane 

You and your group of impressive eys joined the summer 

今年     は   お前   が   渚      きって の アイドル 

kotoshi wa omae ga nagisa kitte  no  idol

This year you are the best idol in this beach

Baby、baby、baby、be my girl

抱きしめたい  be my girl 


I want to hold you Please be my girl

お前   が  微笑めば       すべて が   上の空 

omae ga hohoemeba subete ga uwanosora

When you smile, I can’t think of anything else

男      たち   の   心      奪う  たび に お前 

otoko tachi no kokoro ubau tabi ni omae 

Whenever you take the hearts of men

綺麗 に なってく ね… 

kirei ni natteku ne

you turn prettier as ever

夏      の  罪      は   素敵    すぎる 

natsu no tsumi wa suteki sugiru 

Summer sins are too good to be true 

いなせ だね  夏     を   連れて  来た  女

Inase dane natsu wo tsurete kita hito 

What a dashing style!  A girl who brought the summer

渚         まで   噂      走る      よ めッ!

nagisa made uwasa hashiru yo me
rumor will run straight to the beach  See!

涼し気      な   目もと     流し目       eye eye eye

suzushige na memoto nagashime 

cool eyes casting glances eye eye eye 

粋  な  事件 起こりそうだぜ めッ! 

iki na koto okorisoudaze   me

Something cool can happen See!

Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated.  Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!

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