HEY, ARNOLD! Fans Start Petition To Revive Canceled Spinoff Series THE PATAKIS — GeekTyrant


Anna Williams

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Hey, Arnold! Was one of the great animated shows from the 90s. I watched it off and on and even though I didn’t follow it super closely, I still recognized it as a great show. Fans have recently created a petition to bring back a canceled idea for a spinoff show, The Patakis. This spinoff would have featured Helga as the main character through her high school years. It would focus on themes for older kids and family dysfunction. Ultimately, it was seen as “too dark” for Nickelodeon and too much like Daria for MTV to pick up at the time. In 2013 a fan-made petition gained 15,000 signatures and brought back the 15 year long canceled Hey, Arnold! The Jungle Movie.

Now fans are hoping to recreate their successes in getting another canceled Hey, Arnold! Project resurrected. This new petition has been helmed by artist Spike R. Monster who you should definitely follow if you don’t already. You may recognize his work doing the couch gag on The Simpsons season 33 episode 22. This project sounds like it would be a really cool show to have come back. While I don’t remember a lot of details of Hey, Arnold! I do remember it having some really emotional and poignant moments which I would hope could happen again with Helga. Check out the campaign video below and consider signing the petition and follow their twitter if you think this show deserves a chance. 

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