Gundam Evolution Season 4 [Game Preview]


078 Aaron

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Good Things on The Horizon!

Bandai Namco never fails to impress us. Gundam Evolution was released in September 2022 and even now in 2023, we’re still getting consistent updates and additions to keep us fans wanting to play more. We were invited to a closed trial of new things to come in the 4th season update of Gundam Evolution and that came in two forms, a new map/objectives and of course, a new unit!

What were our thoughts on this newest update and does it warrant your return to Gundam Evolution—short answer it does—to find out now in our thoughts on the new season 4 update that will be released on April 13th.

GE-1 Gundam Evolution Season 4 Preview! “Good Things on The Horizon!”

What we expect most of you readers to want to know about first and foremost is the newest unit to join the expanding roster in Gundam Evolution. Gundam Dynames—that was from Gundam 00—is akin to a hybrid unit. Armed with a powerful sniper—that also has a shield for added defense—you can easily battle from a distance while not being immediately decimated by an approaching enemy unit! Yet, where Gundam Dynames excels, even more, is it can change weapons and use dual pistols that work medium to short range to keep your unit constantly mobile if the fight gets too personal!

We absolutely loved this design as it gives players who love sniping a chance to join in on the fight if they need to push forward or are forced to engage with units like the Gundam Exia or Gundam Barbatos. We can’t wait to see experienced Gundam Evolution players show their talents with this new unit as we only were able to draw on a little bit of potential!

GE-1 Gundam Evolution Season 4 Preview! “Good Things on The Horizon!”

Not only is season 4 coming with a new Gundam Unit, but players will also be getting a new map called Headquarters! This new battleground is no joke as it feels large in some areas but other areas become quite tight and require really being careful with each forward assault. Headquarters isn’t just a new map too, there is a new game objective, attacking/defending a core that will test teams in their teamwork and ability to multitask a firefight with attacking an enemy stationary target! While we were playing we can already see where teams will try to find means of creating chokepoints and other little ambush locations to truly master the field!

GE-1 Gundam Evolution Season 4 Preview! “Good Things on The Horizon!”

Our time was brief with this meaty season 4 update but we really can see ourselves getting hooked again into the fast-paced team gameplay that only Gundam Evolution can do so well. Rushing around one minute and then going sniper mode with Gundam Dynames was a crazy experience. There were some exciting moments too when our team barely was able to destroy the core as the timer reached zero and that made us lean forward gripping our controllers. Being whisked away to Headquarters was fun too as we’ve grown used to the other maps and what they offer. Being in a new location and quickly trying to get a lay of the land got us fired up! Even after several matches, we felt there were so many more locations we could have found and places better utilized for maximum offense/defense. This 4th season is really going to be a big addition to the already massive Gundam Evolution and that is impressive in and of itself.

GE-1 Gundam Evolution Season 4 Preview! “Good Things on The Horizon!”

Gundam Evolution Season 4 is going to offer a lot and that means even more reasons to hop back into your favorite suits and join the fight once more! Are you excited to take control of Gundam Dynames or see Headquarters for yourself this April 13th? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks again to Bandai Namco for giving us such a great opportunity and to all of those behind the scenes working to make this new season even more impressive than the last! As always, for more otaku news and anime-related articles, keep stuck to our Gundam-loving hive here at Honey’s Anime!

GE-1 Gundam Evolution Season 4 Preview! “Good Things on The Horizon!”

Hey everyone I’m Aaron Curbelo or Blade as I’m called by my YouTube Subscribers. I’ve been an anime/manga fan since I was a young kid. In terms of anime I have watched nearly a thousand shows and have read hundreds of manga series. I love writing and honestly was so happy to join Honey’s Anime to get a shot to write articles for such a wonderful site. I’m a firm believer in respect in the anime community being the most important embodiment we should all have. We all love anime and we have varying opinions of series but we should respect one another for those differences! Life is too precious to spend it making needless arguments in a community that should be the shining example of loving an amazing medium. I hope as a writer for Honey’s Anime I can bring you folks some amazing articles to read and enjoy!

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