Fun Video Explains Why American Breakfasts Are the Way They Are — GeekTyrant


Joey Paur

Curated From Check Them Out For More Content.

I sure do love a good breakfast, but I’ve never really thought about why certain foods are considered breakfast foods. But, then this video popped up explaining it all to me! The video comes from Weird History Food and it came with the following note:

When you think of American breakfast food, what comes to mind? For many, it’s likely things like cereal and milk, toast, eggs, and coffee. On weekends, there might be more elaborate dishes like French toast or pancakes accompanied by a tall glass of orange juice. When we step foot in a diner, we know what the menu will look like – to the point we might even tell the host we don’t need to see one. But what is less known is how American breakfast food came to be. Let’s find out in this episode of Weird History Food!

Watch the video below and let us know what your favorite breakfast is! For me… I sure do love a good donut.

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