Episode 33 – Urusei Yatsura


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I’m finally starting to notice the pattern with these later episodes of Urusei Yatsura. It feels like we’re alternating between sitcom-level skits and more serious stories that show a bit of dimension to all of the characters, with the latter having the potential to span more than one episode. While it makes each episode’s pacing and format a bit predictable, I’m glad I can walk away from each episode feeling largely satisfied. There’s enough here for me to laugh and enough here for me to catch the feels.

The first skit was pretty funny in its snappiness. I was already giggling when Shinobu, Ataru, and Lum snuck into Shutaro’s room. I’m surprised Ataru cared enough to check in on Shutaro, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if he were only there to mess with him since these two don’t have an ounce of compassion for each other. The ending was abrupt, like some of the other skits in the show, but I would argue the abruptness worked in this skit’s favor. I mentioned some of the gags feel like sitcoms sometimes, and this is probably the biggest example of that where everyone is laughing with an “oh shucks” tone at the end. I was legitimately waiting for the laugh track to start playing.

The second skit is where we get into more of the series’ drama. I have to commend the additional dimension we’re seeing in Ataru here. I know this reboot is rearranging material from the manga, so events aren’t happening in the same order they did with the original material. I wonder if there was a conscious effort to save all of the material that shows off more of Ataru’s good side for the end of the series to create the illusion of character growth? It would explain why we have seen more dimension from him with each passing episode compared to the beginning of the series, and if that is the case, then I think that’s a pretty inspiring creative decision. While it doesn’t feel like any development is carrying over from one episode to the next, I do find myself respecting Ataru more as a character from episode to episode. While he does still act like a perverted bum, he also shows that he cares when the situation really calls for it.

Sure, he did complain about wearing incredibly warm clothes in the middle of summer, but he played the whole situation with the ghost girl incredibly straight. He didn’t complain about looking like an idiot to everybody, didn’t flirt with other girls once the situation started, and legitimately did everything he could to ensure that this girl enjoyed her time with him. He even went to visit her grave at the end, which is legitimately something he did not need to do. It’s almost like we’re seeing signs that there is an actual thoughtful and mature character underneath the goofy stereotype, he just doesn’t want to show it all the time. It also goes a long way in making me believe why Lum likes him so much. Maybe it’s worth putting up with all the wacky antics if it means getting to moments like this.


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