Drake Takes Shot at Donald Glover’s ‘This is America’ During Performance


Anthony Nash

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During the opening night of Drake’s “It’s All a Blur” tour, the rapper took some shots at rapper/singer/actor/director Donald Glover for his song “This is America.”

What did Drake say about Donald Glover?

While Drake performed his 2011 hit “Headlines,” a ticker began scrolling text above and below him on the stage, cycling through various fake headlines. One of them, as spotted by fans at the show, read “The overrated and over award hit song ‘This is America’ was originally a Drake diss record.”

While the shot may seem like it came out of nowhere, the headline does have truth to it. Earlier this year, Glover — who performed the song as Childish Gambino — told GQ that the idea for “This is America” did, in fact, begin as a Drake diss.

“To be completely honest, ‘This is America’ [the lyric] – that was all we had was that line,” said Glover. “It started as a Drake diss, to be honest, as like a funny way of doing it. But then I was like, this s— sounds kind of hard though. So I was like, let me play with it.”

While Glover seemed to laugh off the thought of dissing Drake, it seems like Drake didn’t find it so funny, and the infamously attentive artist made sure to incorporate it into his tour.

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