Crystal Kay teases her ☆Taku Takahashi produced single, “That Girl”


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An illustration of Crystal, wearing white frame shades, pearls and a giant gold earring with the words ‘Crystal Kay’. She has pink eyes and love hearts for pupils and is holding a champagne glass in her left hand. The words ‘That Girl’ are superimposed on the image in red lettering.

I was starting to wonder where the promo was for Crystal Kay’s first single of 2024. And then I remembered why there has been nothing.

Girl. Fire the whole management and marketing team.

But she herself at least posted something of the song, sharing a snippet of it via an Instagram Story, because that’s how (and also the only way) Crystal Kay promotes things now. Although, let us be real. Instagram Stories is how everybody promotes things these days. Instagram Stories have taken such precedence on Instagram that some people don’t even bother with posts any more. It’s just all about stories. It’s truly wild to me.


We have an idea what we’re in for, when “That Girl” drops on January 29th.

I was unsure of this at first. My initial reaction was that it sounds like a faster, badly mixed version of Nakata Yasutaka, Charli XCX and Pussy Pam’s “Crazy Crazy”. But it’s growing on me. I’m still a little unsure of how Crystal sounds though, because her voice grates a little over the music, which is new for me. Because even on Crystal songs that I don’t like, her voice is never the problem. And its strange considering how many ☆Taku Takahashi productions Crystal has featured on over the years and how he’s always shown an understanding of her voice and what works for / with it. But that’s all I’ll say until I hear the full song. The snippet being posted as an Instagram Story, from a recording from a different app is probably why the mix sounds a bit messy. And this is only a few seconds of the song. So hopefully when the full thing drops, it sounds great, everybody goes crazy for it amps fans up for what Crystal has coming throughout year.

Let all seventeen of us who bought a copy of Vivid, lay our copies down, light a candle and pray for a bitch.

“That Girl” needs to pop off, because how well this song does and is received is going to set the tone for all which follows.

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