Creepy Clip From EVIL DEAD RISE Shows a Possessed Mother About to Get Demonic on Her Kids — GeekTyrant


Joey Paur

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We’ve got a creepy new clip for you to watch for director Lee Cronin’s terrifying film Evil Dead Rise. The clip focuses on the mother character, Ellie, in the kitchen cooking up some delicious eggs and their shells. Her younger sister Beth walks in with Ellie’s three kids, and they can immediately see that something is very off.

Ellie is clearly possessed, and she begins to tell them a very unsettling story. As she is talking to her family, she realizes that she’s possessed and tells Beth to not let the demon that’s possessed her hurt her kids. Beth is now tasked with protecting Ellie’s kids from the nightmarish deadite that has possessed their mom.

In this new chapter, “a road-weary Beth pays an overdue visit to her older sister Ellie, who is raising three kids on her own in a cramped L.A apartment. The sisters’ reunion is cut short by the discovery of a mysterious book deep in the bowels of Ellie’s building, giving rise to flesh-possessing demons, and thrusting Beth into a primal battle for survival as she is faced with the most nightmarish version of motherhood imaginable.”

The movie stars Alyssa Sutherland (Vikings) and Lily Sullivan (Picnic At Hanging Rock).Gabrielle Echols (Reminiscence), Morgan Davies (The End), and Nell Fisher (Splendid Isolation). Evil Dead Rise is slated to hit theaters on April 21, 2023.

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