Connections Hints & Answers for Today, July 18, 2024


Below you’ll find the Connections hints and answers for July 18, 2024. This popular New York Times game, in contrast to Wordle, gives players 16 words that they need to sort into four distinct groups of four. The test is to figure out what those groups are, because many of the words in the puzzle usually seem like they can belong to more than one group. Here is today’s Connections answer for July 18, 2024 along with a handful of hints and clues in case you only need a little bit of help.

What are the Connections answers for July 18, 2024?

The following are the Connections answers for July 18, 2024, which you can reveal by clicking on the arrows below.

From easiest to hardest, the difficulty of each group goes from yellow, to green, blue, and purple. As such, we’ve separated the answers into each of the four color groupings. For hints instead, head to the next section.

What is the yellow group answer?

– The yellow group is Open Space, which includes COURT, PLAZA, SQUARE, and YARD.

What is the green group answer?

– The green group is Boxing Unit, which includes BOUT, CONTEST

What is the blue group answer?

– The blue group is Glitziness, which includes DAZZLE, FLASH, POMP, and RITZ.

What is the purple group answer?

– The purple group is Emoji, which includes FIRE, HEART, SKULL, and SPARKLES.

Are there any Connections hints for July 18, 2024?

Here are several Connections hints for the July 18, 2024 puzzle. Like the answers above, we will provide a hint for each color group. Click on the arrow to reveal each hint.

Yellow group hint

– The yellow group is about various locations.

Green group hint

– The green group features words about a particular sport.

Blue group hint

– For the blue group, think about jazz hands.

Purple group hint

– The purple group is concerned about a certain form of communication.

Nicholas Tan

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