Christian Bale Reportedly Refused To Appear as Batman in THE FLASH — GeekTyrant


Joey Paur

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Kevin Smith recently revealed during a panel that Christian Bale was reportedly asked to appear as Batman in The Flash, but he refused to do it. It would have only been a cameo role, but the interest in doing that just obviously wasn’t there.

Smith’s quote gets into some spoiler territory, so if you haven’t seen the movie, stop reading now.

“Warner Bros. asked Christian Bale for months and months hoping he would break down and he was like ‘no.’ So [Warner Bros.] was like, ‘let’s pivot, let’s get another Batman,’ and they just grabbed George Clooney.”

If you’ve seen the movie, you know the exact scene that he’s talking about at the very end of the film. The George Clooney scene could’ve been Bale instead. I don’t fault Bale for continually saying no, it would have been fun, but in the end, it wouldn’t have really mattered.

The movie is tanking at the box office and you can bet that Warner Bros. isn’t going to be making that sequel that Andy Muschietti has teased in the past.

Bale previously talked about the possibility of reprising his role, saying: “If Chris [Nolan] came to me and said, ‘I’ve got a new story,’ I’d be interested. But other than that, I don’t think so.”

While The Flash was a very fun flick, it ended up being kind of a throw-away movie as nothing about it will probably carry over into the future plans of DC Studios. I’ll be shocked if it does.

The Flash mostly features Michael Keaton‘s Batman in action, with a little bit of Ben Affleck‘s version of the Dark Knight thrown in at the beginning of the story. Then, there’s just that quick scene at the end of the movie with Clooney.

What are your thoughts on Bale being asked to reprise his role as Bruce Wayne in The Flash and turning it down?

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