Check Out This Real Life 1.5-kilowatt Iron Man Laser Gauntlet That Can Melt Steel — GeekTyrant


Joey Paur

Curated From Check Them Out For More Content.

You won’t believe what the ingenious minds at Hacksmith Industries have cooked up! They’ve only gone and built a mind-boggling 1.5-kilowatt Iron Man laser gauntlet that can actually melt steel. Who needs fiction when you can have a taste of superhero awesomeness in the real world?

Sure, the laser gauntlet may not be as jaw-droppingly impressive as the one Tony Stark built in the movies, but it’s like the ultimate DIY project. In the video, the Hacksmith team demonstrates the gauntlet’s power by slicing through increasingly beefy ropes before moving on to chains.

They then take it to the next level and go head-to-head with a 1/8″ steel door, and they don’t stop there either; they go all out and show off its mettle by tackling a mighty 1/4″ steel plate.

Sure, it might not slice through these materials like a hot knife through butter, but it gets the job done. The laser used in this gauntlet was originally worth a whopping $100,000, but Hacksmith Industries managed to snag it for $6,000! Not a bad discount!

It’d be pretty cool to play around with this thing… in a responsible way, of course.

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