Beyond the Spider-Verse Release Date Delay Likely Says Artist


Jonathan Sim

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Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse will likely be delayed, according to an artist who worked on Across the Spider-Verse.

The two animated Spider-Verse movies from Sony were massive successes with critics and audiences. The recent Marvel superhero film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is one of the most acclaimed movies of the year. With the cliffhanger ending of the new film, audiences may be wondering when we will get to see the conclusion to Miles Morales’s story.

Will Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse be delayed?

The current release date for Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse is March 29, 2024. However, an artist who worked on the sequel said not enough work has been done on it for it to make its release date on time. “I’ve seen people say, ‘Oh, they probably worked on it at the same time,’” he tells Vulture.

“There’s no way that movie’s coming out then. There’s been progress on the pre-production side of things. But as far as the production side goes, the only progress that’s been made on the third one is any exploration or tests that were done before the movie was split into two parts. Everyone’s been fully focused on Across the Spider-Verse and barely crossing the finish line. And now it’s like, Oh, yeah, now we have to do the other one.”

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