Are Caesar & Maurice in the Movie?


The fourth chapter of the Planet of the Apes reboot franchise, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, takes fans back to an alternate version of Earth where humanity has been nearly wiped out and apes have become the dominant species. Fans are wondering whether Caesar (Andy Serkis) and Maurice (Karin Konoval), two of the main characters of the previous three films, are in the new movie. Caesar led the ape rebellion against humanity, and Maurice was his most trusted advisor. Together, they ushered in a new era for the apes. Naturally, fans want to know if they appear in the latest installment.

Does Caesar appear in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes?

The film begins with Caesar’s funeral. As the previous film, War for the Planet of the Apes, concluded with Caesar’s death, this opening scene sets the stage for the rest of the movie. Caesar doesn’t appear alive in the film. However, his teachings have an immense impact on the lives of almost every character.

After Caesar’s funeral, the film skips several generations before picking up the story again. According to the film’s director, Wes Ball, Caesar is very much in the “new movie, spiritually, throughout everything” and “his ideas of morality and decency and his relationship with humans – all that is explored through an almost mythical lens that I think is exciting.”

Is Maurice in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes?

Yes, Maurice does appear in the movie. He is present at Caesar’s funeral, where he eulogizes his former leader and friend. He gestures “apes together strong” in the apes’ sign language, prompting the other apes to follow suit.

Tamal Kundu

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