‘American Idol’ Top 3: Finale Winner Results — Final Voting Prediction


Andy Swift

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With just 24 hours until Sunday’s American Idol finale (ABC, 8/7c), we have a little confession to make: We aren’t totally sure who’s going to win this thing.

Sure, America has fallen head over heels for Iam Tongi, who regularly elicits the studio audience’s loudest cheers, but neither Colin Stough nor Megan Danielle should be counted out just yet.

And if you think Idol isn’t capable of pulling off a surprise ending, I have two words for you: “Soul Patrol.” Heck, I was pretty confident that Wé Ani had secured a spot for herself in this season’s finale, yet here we are with an Ani-less Top 3. Thankfully, she is coming back to the finale for a special performance, along with several of this season’s eliminated favorites.

So now there are two questions we must ask ourselves: Which of the remaining finalists do we think will win on Sunday? And which singer do we think should win, despite the outcome? If you really search your soul, you might discover that you have two different answers. Or not, but hey, we have to pass the time somehow, right?

Read on for a breakdown of your three options, complete with video of their best performances, then vote in our pair of polls. When you’re done, go ahead and let out some more feelings about the Idol finale in a comment.

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