Special Edition: Crystal Kay – CK25


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A poster header, featuring the text SPECIAL EDITION rotated 90 clockwise beside a CD jewel case of a makeshift album, titled ‘CK25’. The CD cover art features an image of Crystal Kay from her Crystal Xmas 2023 performance. The front of the CD jewel case also features a pink sticker, which has the copy ‘?J SPECIAL EDITION’ on it.

Crystal Kay not releasing a career spanning Best album on the 25th year of her career is insane to me. If there were ever a milestone to release a Best album, it’s this one.

Some fans may argue ‘But she can’t include everything her old stuff is on Sony and she’s on Universal now’. I would like to present you Hikaru Utada’s Science Fiction. A Best album spanning releases across two record labels, which also happen to be Sony and Universal. So this is no excuse. But Utada has a capable team who can work that label shit out. Kay doesn’t. Hence why she still has songs from her Sony catalog which aren’t available on streaming across every platform globally. “Kirakuni” being one of such songs.


Girl. Fire the whole management and marketing team.

It’s really unfortunate that Kay’s team didn’t get their shit together to have a Best album release this year, because it could have piggy-backed off of Utada’s Best album, Science Fiction. With Utada and Kay both having material which is owned by Sony and Universal, it’d be in both of their best interests to promote both. But also, the Venn diagram of Utada and Kay fans is a circle. So I think many fans online would have been excited and made a big deal about Utada and Kay still being in the game for more than two decades, and celebrating career milestones in the very same year. Kay has also sang a couple of Utada songs over the years, such as “First Love”, “Can You Keep a Secret?” and “Deep River”. So there’s all sorts of chances for those to resurface and go viral. And there’s also the parallel of both Utada and Kay re-teaming up with ☆Taku Takahashi of M-Flo for their releases in 2020—Utada hitting him up to produce the Science Fiction re-recording of “Traveling” and Kay hitting him up to produce “That Girl”.

So, this playlist is a 25th anniversary Best album, spanning Kay’s career to date. From “Eternal Memoires” all the way up to “That Girl”. This playlist doesn’t include every single and every song. Chances are there is a favourite song of yours which isn’t featured here. But that’s Best albums for you. I was deliberately selective. I tried to put my commercial business hat on. So the focus here is on singles, particularly the ones which will illicit a sense of nostalgia, as a Best album should. And course this shit is sequenced.

So, be sure to run it up this playlist, share it, recreate it on Apple Music—all that shit.

The CK25 playlist is available to stream on Spotify. And for those who don’t have Spotify, it’s available on YouTube too. So y’all have no excuse not to run it up.

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