HONKONOMICON Brings More Goose Power to D&D — GeekTyrant


Tommy Williams

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Fear the goose! If you know geese, there’s a decent chance you know that they are to be feared. What if you could harness the power of the goose for your Dungeons & Dragons game though? Paolo Davolio, Vall Syrene, Sandro degl’Innocenti, and Alberto Ferrari recently released Honkonomicon which is an unofficial D&D supplement that is 80 pages of goose-themed options for players and DMs to enjoy. There are 11 new subclasses (the Druid Circle is separate but a bundle is coming), 28 monsters, 16 magic items, and much more. I absolutely love absurd supplements like this, so I’m very giddy about it.

The Honkonomicon awaits you in all of its dangerous, goosy glory with 80 pages of options for DMs and characters

You can purchase Honkonomicon from DMs Guild (affiliate link) for $9.95.

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