Louis Leterrier Set To Direct The Sci-Fi Horror Film 11817 — GeekTyrant


Louis Leterrier (The Incredible Hulk, Fast X) is set to direct and produce the sci-fi horror film 11817. The script is written by Matthew Robinson (The Invention of Lying).

In the story, “Inexplicable forces trap a family of four inside their house indefinitely. As both modern luxuries and life or death essentials begin to run out, the family must learn how to be resourceful to survive and outsmart who — or what — is keeping them trapped…”

Well, that sounds like a crazy and F’ed up nightmarish situation! Leterrier said is a statement: “Directing projects where the audience gets behind the characters has always been my focus. However complex, flawed, heroic, we identify with them as we live through their journey.”

He added: “It’s what excites me about 11817‘s wholly original concept and the family at the heart of our story. This is an experience that movie audiences won’t forget.”

The project is currently in the middle of casting, but no one has officially been set to star. It sounds like an interesting story concept, though. Judging from what we do know, it seems like the movie will have some Twilight Zone tone qualities to it.

It’ll be interesting to see what this movie ends up becoming.

Source: Deadline

Joey Paur

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