Is girls metal band boom here to stay? – JROCK ONSEN Ep. 31


Curated From Check Them Out For More Content.

Alright, back again after our regular multi-month absence. I remember there was a time this was supposed to be monthly. We actually recorded this one back on June 25, to be precise. Anyway, straight to the point, as always. This time we want to talk about how the future of metal might be female. At least it seems that way.

Maybe it’s just some of us, one of us, or maybe it’s a real happening. A lot more female ensembles have been popping up in the world of rock and metal. If this really is a trend, we want to talk about why it may have started. Where did the demand even come from? With enough time, everything changes, but it’s the way they change that promotes curiosity. Let’s see what we find out in our little discussion. Spoiler alert, nothing. We don’t learn anything, we are incapable of learning.

Without further ado, jump into the bath and have a go at some discussion. We love the feedback we sometimes get!


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