Joey Paur

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While shooting Marvel’s new show Secret Invasion, Emilia Clarke had a horrific experience in which she almost run over Samuel L. Jackson with a car. You really don’t want to go down in history as the actor who killed Samuel L. Jackson while shooting a project. Luckily, everything turned out ok, but it was an intense experience for Clarke

During a recent interview with Yahoo!, the actress shared her experience saying, “I nearly ran him over,” and went on to explain what happened:

“They put me in a Lada, which is like a very old Russian car, and I got in and I was like, ‘Hey, what’s with the six [shift knobs] up in here? Which one am I using? Why does it have 10 pedals?’ It’s [like] a tractor… I know how to drive. I know how to drive stick. [But there wasn’t] enough time. They’re saying, ‘We’ve gotta go. We’re shooting. Come on honey. Just go. We’re gonna go.’

“So I’m like, ‘OK, I can do this. It’s just one stop.’ Get in there. We get up to it. The camera is right there. Sam is right there. And I pressed the wrong thing, I pressed the accelerator rather than the brake.”

Luckily, Clarke found the brake pedal and was able to stop herself from hitting Jackson. As for what Jackson thought of the situation, Clarke said: “He was very gentlemanly and lovely and nice.” But, Clarke went on to say: “Then I cried a little bit and someone else drove it for me.”

I just want to say, this is definitely not Clarke’s fault! She was rushed into a situation with no preparation or instruction on how to drive this car. I still can’t believe productions — even this big with Disney and Marvel — not taking proper precautions to prevent harmful accidents. This could’ve easily been avoided had someone sat down with her for a few minutes to instruct her on how the car worked.

They put her in a scary situation, and it could have ended up being a lot worse.

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Emilia Clarke Almost Ran Samuel L. Jackson Over With a Car While Shooting Marvel’s SECRET INVASION — GeekTyrant