Curated From Check Them Out For More Content.

Released in August 2022, this song is his 5th single released only through online streaming.  This song is really catchy and addictive charm.  Once I heard the song, I kept repeating it over and over again in my head…

He is still a new comer but has a great potential.  It seems that his songs are already popular among young generations not only here in Japan but in Korea and other countries.  If you haven’t heard his songs, please try this one.

Any comment about this blog is highly appreciated.  Requests to pick up any singer or song are always welcome!



Japanese pronunciation

English translation

どう でも いい ような 夜   だけど

dou demo ii   youna yoru dakedo

It’s just a night with no significance but

響めき      煌めき   と  君    も

doyomeki kirameki to kimi mo 

it surrounded by noise, glitter and you, too

まだ    止まった 刻む   針    も

mada tomatta kizamu hari mo 

Still freezed   clock from ticking

入り浸った 散らかる   部屋 も

iribitatta    chirakaru heya mo 

I used to hang out all day long in a messy room

変わらない  ね 思い出して  は

kawaranai ne omoidashite wa 

Nothing has changed from the way I remember

二人 歳     を   重ねてた

futari toshi wo kasaneteta 

but the two of us has grown up

また  止まった 落とす 針  を

mata tomatta  otosu hari wo 

It stopped again  the record needle from playing 

よく   流した   聞き飽きる ほど

yoku nagashita kikiakiru hodo 

I used to play the song so much that I got bored to listen

変わらない ね 変わらないで

kawaranai ne  kawarnaide 

Haven’t been changed  I hope it wouldn’t change 

いられた のは   君   だけ   か

irareta  nowa kimi dake ka

but you are the only one who remained unchanged

無駄     話        で はぐらかして

muda-banashi de hagurakashite 

Switching the subject to senseless chat

触れた 先    を ためらう   ように

fureta saki wo  tamerau  youni

as if the topic I touched was untouchable

足    踏み   して ズレた  針  を   余所  に

ashi-bumi shite zureta hari wo yoso ni 

When we started to move our foot not caring for jumping needle

揃い  始めてた   息 が

soroi hajimeteta iki ga 

we started to show the perfect sync

どう でも いい ような 夜   だけど

dou demo ii   youna yoru dakedo

It’s just a night with no significance but

響めき 煌めきと君も “踊ろう”

doyomeki kirameki to kimi mo “odorou”

Surrounded by roar, glitter and you, too  “Let’s dance”

どう でも いい ような 夜   だけど

dou demo ii   youna yoru dakedo

It’s just a night with no significance but

二人    刻もう

futari kizamou 

Let us beat the beat

透き 通った 白い  肌    も

sukitootta shiroi hada mo 

Your fair white skin

その   笑った 無邪気   な   顔   も

sono waratta mujyaki na kao mo 

and that innocent smiling face

変わらない  ね 変わらないで

kawaranai ne  kawaranaide

you haven’t changed a bit Please don’t change

いられる のは 今   だけ か

irareru  nowa ima dake ka 

But this might be the only time to see it unchanged

見つめる      ほど に

mitsumeru hodo ni 

As I gaze harder 

溢れる メモリー

afureru memory 

memories started to overflow

浮つく        心     に コーヒー を

uwatsuku kokoro ni coffee    wo 

Let’s make some coffee to my floating heart

乱れた   髪(ヘアー)に 掠れた   メロディー

midareta hair       ni kasureta melody

messy hair and hasky melody

混ざりあって よう もう  一度

mazariatte  you   mou ichido 

Shake it up and mix it up one more time

どう でも いい ような 夜   だけど

dou demo ii   youna yoru dakedo

It’s just a night with no significance but

ときめき     色めき    と  君    も “踊ろう”

tokimeki     ito meki to kimi mo “odorou”

noise and glitter and you, “Let’s dance”

どう でも いい ような 夜   だけど

dou demo ii   youna yoru dakedo

It’s just a night with no significance but

二人    刻もう

futari kizamou 

Let’s mark the night with the two of us

夜     は  長い おぼつかない

yoru wa nagai obotsukanai 

Night is still young I don’t know how it wil go on 

今   にも 止まり  そうな ミュージック

ima nimo tomari souna   music

the music seem to stop anytime

君   と いたい 溺れてたい

kimi to itai      oboretetai 

I want to be with you I want to be drawn

明日    が こなくたって もう いい の

ashita ga konakutatte mou    ii  no 

I don’t care if tomorrow never comes

どう でも いい ような 夜   だけど

dou demo ii   youna yoru dakedo

It’s just a night with no significance but

響めき    煌めき    と   君    も “踊ろう”

doyomeki kirameki to kimi mo “odorou”

Surrounded by roar, glitter and you, “Let’s dance”

どう でも いい ような 夜   だけど

dou demo ii   youna yoru dakedo

It’s just a night with no significance but



Love me

どう  でも いい から 僕    だけ  を

dou demo ii   kara  boku dake wo 

only me no matter what

ふらつき よろめき   ながらも “踊ろう”

furatsuki yoromeki nagaramo “odorou”

Even if I stagger and sway, let’s dance

どう でも いい ような 夜   だけど

dou demo ii   youna yoru dakedo

It’s just a night with no significance but

二人    刻もう

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- A word from our sposor -

Jpop Recommend #502 Night Dancer by Imase