‘911 Lone Star’ Recap: Season 4 Episode 12 — TK, Carlos Having A Baby?


Andy Swift

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We don’t actually believe that 9-1-1: Lone Star would deprive fans of the #Tarlos wedding we’ve all been waiting for, but that isn’t stopping us from worrying about the couple’s future, especially after Tuesday’s episode.

With their big day inching ever closer, T.K. and Carlos sought an officiant, including one kindly minister who reminded them that they’d be bonded “for eternity… burning in hell.” (Spoiler alert: He won’t be performing the ceremony.)

This also prompted the couple to have an important discussion about children — specifically how T.K. really wants them, and Carlos really doesn’t. An emotional follow-up chat between Carlos and his mother revealed that it has nothing to do with the child needing a mother, or even with T.K.’s sobriety. It all comes down to Carlos feeling like he won’t “measure up” as a father, since he only just began a real relationship with his own.

Following T.K. and Carlos’ respective chats with their parents, we figured the problem would be resolved within the hour, but we were wrong. The episode ended with Carlos gifting T.K. a new lizard, saying, “This may be the only child we ever share together.” T.K. insisted that he was OK with Carlos not being OK… but is he really? Couples break up over wanting/not wanting children all the time, and it’s obvious how much T.K. wants them.

In other complicated relationship news, Marjan was sure she’d found “the one” after auditioning multiple Muslim suitors with an assist from her firehouse family. Unfortunately, he already had a one. Several ones, actually. That’s when fate intervened, putting Marjan in the path of her hot physical therapy trainer Joe (played by John Clarence Stewart of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist), who just happened to also be Muslim. Schwing!

OK, let’s talk: Are you feeling Marjan’s potential new relationship? And do we think T.K. and Carlos can really table this discussion about kids without it taking a toll on their impending nuptials? Drop a comment with your thoughts on the episode below.

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